I'm copying the same text from the "Available to Work" because I don't know how to phrase this once again--
Commissions are finally open! Starting with the price of 5$ but ranging into 30$ or more (depending on your specifications, of course). And as of now, for the Newgrounds folks there is 4 slots available! But for Patreon users will get a reserved slot if they wish to have one as well as some discounts!
I'll not be doing animations for now, but maybe I'll open them soon
I'm up for doing anything, but nothing too graphic! Suggestive stuff might be okay but not full on NSFW.
Send me a DM or let me know if you are interested in commissioning me! I'll be answering any questions and listening to anything you guys say!~
See you soon darlings~
buenas me puedo preguntar si tu me puedes ayudar en un fan game llamado newground rumble 2 unete a este discord https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=backstage_event&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTY4UzVDSWtNRERSWkNTWWVxMVJHRjl2OGFtQXxBQ3Jtc0tucFpxYUs1Qjh3dzg3ZHhlZ3htMjI0ZmNrYWMtVF9tSGg4cGttYmVCVnVDbXJYMGprR0xNOEV4cERSRUdKZGFvZnNCNDZiMmFPcEpHbnc1cHlsbzVuZ0RNQlludllvT1d3R3hKcnA5a010RVU5cF9kOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscord.gg%2FktRJSHyS